Professor Seong-Lyun Kim
Seong-Lyun Kim is a Professor at the School of EEE, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He recently led the Smart Factory Committee of 5G Forum, Korea. He was an Assistant/Associate Professor of Radio Communication Systems, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. He had visiting positions in Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto), Finland, the KTH Center for Wireless Systems, and the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan. He served as an editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communications Letters, Elsevier Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier ICT Express, and Journal of Communications and Network. He served as a guest editor of IEEE Wireless Communications and IEEE Network for wireless communications in networked robotics, and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. His research interests include radio resource management, AI/ML in wireless networks, collective intelligence, and robotic networks. He is a co-recipient of IEEE VTC best paper award, IEEE Dyspan best demo award, and more recently, IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award.

김성륜 교수는 현재 연세대학교 전기전자공학부에 재직중이고, 최근에는 5G 포럼 (6G포럼) 스마트공장 위원회를 이끌었다.
스웨덴의 왕립공과대학 (KTH)의 무선통신분야 조교수/부교수를 역임했고, 스웨덴 KTH, 핀란드 알토대학, 일본 교토대학등의 방문교수를 역임헸다.
무선통신 및 제어분야에서 다수의 국제저널 편집위원을 거쳤다. IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award등 다수의 논문상을 수상했다.
주요 관심분야는 무선자원관리, 무선통신에서의 기계학습, 그리고 로보트간 네트워크/통신이다.